Nutrition Response Testing?
By using whole food supplements we can precisely support those areas and help your body to work at its best. Nutrition Response Testing? is a system that allows us to zero in on what areas of the body are under stress and what is causing that stress.
Please feel free to download and/or print the following brochures for additional information:
What Our Patients Are Saying…
What was it like before you came in to see us?
Bad! It was hard getting through a couple hours of a day, let alone the entire day. I felt extremely stressed, depressed and emotional. Anything set me off and I had a very hard time conducting myself in a normal manner at work. The thought of having to go to work and deal with my emotional self and other people made me more emotional, stressed and it was a vicious cycle I could not escape. I felt very down on myself and negative, which is the complete opposite of who I have been my whole life. This was severely affecting my person and professional life.
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I feel a lot better. At my low there were days I could not stop crying for hours. Now, I don’t think I have cried in-I cannot even remember. I am able to handle stress much better and feel like I can think clearly. I have always been a creative person and during this hard time it almost felt like my brain was blank, just existing there. I am able to be much more efficient at my personal and professional life. I feel much less “crazy” and more myself and I know my friends and family can begin to see it as well. I also feel better all around; I sleep better, have more energy and also know I am making better choices which are becoming habits. (Although some of that may be attributed to Dr. Doug and Jenn B. seeing that I ate that candy bar and me feeling guilty ?) Collectively I know the whole food supplements, better eating habits and support has helped improve my life TREMENDOUSLY.
After losing my brother to cancer in December, I decided it was time to make the commitment to the program in order to do everything in my power to live healthfully.Read more »
After a few short weeks on a program with Dr. Doug, I was off pseudoephedrine completely. I do not wake up with headaches, as I have done for years! I am off the drugs because I do not need the pain or congestion relief. The changes in my diet were minimal and easy to adapt. Keeping the food log, keeps me accountable and thoughtful about what I put in my mouth. Overall the biggest change I have made is more protein and less carbohydrates.
My secondary complaint was adult acne. I have seen an improvement in this area. Not completely eliminated, but less serious and less frequent break outs. I also do not see the rising and falling of energy levels throughout the day and am not having the 4 o’clock slump of wanting a nap or a chocolate fix.
I am interested to see where this will take me. At some point, I would expect changes and a reduction in the supplements I am taking, understanding of course that our foods are not as nutritionally sound as we would hope.
There was a lot of hormone instability; not sleeping, hot flashes, joint pain. I also had sinus/allergy issues constantly, as well as digestion issues.
How is it now?
My sinus and allergy issues are under control and not bothersome. My thyroid and hormone challenges are stable with no issues. My diet choices control the digestion issues. -DW
Now my eyes aren’t as red or itchy as they were initially. I feel like this is gradually continuing to improve. My vision has improved and I’m able to see fairly well with the use of two sets of prescription lenses. My sleep is also now sound and restful. ”
Back in the Game!
I am writing this for my daughter; Eva was in tremendous pain due to tightness and inflammation of her Achilles tendon (Sever’s Disease). The pain prohibited her from playing soccer at her highest level and had daily inflammation she had to deal with. Eva was taking upwards of 8 tablets of 200 mg of ibuprofen a day to help with the inflammation, as well as ice baths, stretching and sleeping with a Strassburg sock. Even with all of these medical interventions, Eva was still experiencing tremendous pain that prohibited her from playing a full game, doing her training runs or training back-to-back days. Read more »
“Sleeping like a baby…”
I started a nutrition program in late July of 2014 and was experiencing hot flashes – sometimes 10-20 during the day. At night it was worse. I woke several times a night drenched in sweat. I was not sleeping well at all. Since being on [the] nutrition program it has been a couple of weeks since I’ve had a hot flash. I’m sleeping like a baby and I don’t have to wear “summer clothes” every day. It’s AMAZING!
“I am no longer allergic to cats.”
Before I came in I had a lot of allergies and digestive problems. I have been on an Nutrition Response Testing program for a year and a half now and am no longer lactose intolerant and can eat oatmeal which used to give me all kinds of gas. Last week I spent 6 days at a house pet sitting a dog and two cats. The cats did not cause me any problems. I am no longer allergic to cats. Also this spring when the trees were blooming I was able to leave the windows in the house open whereas before if I did I would get so congested and have trouble breathing.
Menopause Relief
Upon beginning my nutrition program, I had been struggling with IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome), headaches, fatigue, and menopause symptoms. Now, 5 months in, my energy levels have dramatically increased, my headaches are under control and I have had NO issues with IBS to date. My menopause symptoms are also dramatically improved, to the point where I am managing everything naturally; I am off all of my hormone replacement therapy medication! Usually this time of year (Fall), I am usually taking an over the counter medication for my allergies, and my allergies are much better, even without medications!
Increased concentration and energy
Before I came in I was tired, sluggish and couldn’t think or concentrate well and this week I felt clearer, had more energy and am not feeling so sluggish.
– MB
Less bloating; regular bowels; much more energy
Before I came in I suffered from a lot of bloating and constipation and low energy. After only 10 days on supplements I am almost entirely “bloat-free,” have had regular bowel movements daily and am amazed at how much more energy I have. I also have lost 4 pounds!
– MP
No more dizziness
Before I came in I was feeling dizzy and couldn’t seem to lose any weight. Now my dizziness has gone away and I’ve lost some weight.
– GM
Aches and pains relieved; no more migraines and great energy
Before I came in to see Dr. Doug I felt run down; tired all the time. My body felt achy all over. My legs were restless and I had horrible shin splints. I would be anxious, always thinking; my mind would keep me awake at night or even wake me up out of a dead sleep.
After a full year, I’m here to say that I’m in a much better state. My legs don’t hurt at all; my energy level is a lot better than last year. I am sleeping through the night and not feeling anxious like I used to. I rarely get any headaches. I used to get migraines throughout the year. I haven’t had one since I started the program.
– MS
MS Symptoms resolved; no pain, erratic movements, better sleep
What was it like before you came in to see us?
I had a lot of pain, and jerky legs from what I understand is my MS (Multiple Sclerosis) and it happens daily, mostly at night, making it difficult to sleep. On and off is normal for me and in terms of sleep amount, maybe 5 hours.
How is it now?
Amazing! After 2 weeks I noticed the pain at night was gone and I slept for an amount of time before waking to realize I wasn’t having issues at all. Now 3 weeks into this program, I am not having any pain, jerky legs and sleep sound throughout.
– HJ
Less joint pain, better eyesight
My eyesight was getting worse as I got older and I had joint pain and stiffness, feelings of stress and being overwhelmed by everyday life. The last time I went to have my eyes checked they had improved! My feelings of stress have almost disappeared. I recently had the experience of running out of my supplements and because of weather conditions I wasn’t able to get refills for two weeks. All of my previous symptoms had returned and my vision had worsened. I also have noticed my sugar addiction increases my joint pain and stiffness which lessen when I stop using sugar.
– JJ
Headaches gone! Able to manage stress.
What was it like before you came in to see us?
Headaches upon waking up after a short night; lack of energy and motivation, feelings of discouragement and feeling stressed out about my un-stressful life.
How is it now?
More energy, happier, less stress and I feel like “I can handle it.” Headaches are gone!
– MS
Regular sleep, bowel elimination and no afternoon crash!
What was it like before you came in to see us?
I was taking multiple synthetic vitamins, digestive issues and had a lack of energy.
How is it now?
I’m taking less synthetic vitamins. I’m not taking fiber anymore and am having regular bowel movements. I am sleeping better, have an increase in energy, I don’t have that midday “blah” anymore and am down to 1 cup of coffee a day when I used to drink around 3-4 cups a day.
– DW
Severe Acid Reflux; now symptom and medication free
I suffered from severe acid reflux and was taking prescribed antacid medication three times a day. Now I am off the medication and no longer have symptoms as long as I strictly adhere to my program.
– GH
No more dizziness; improving health
What was it like before you came in to see us?
My main concerns were with dizziness and leg and muscle pain.
How is it now?
My dizziness is completely gone! The leg and muscle pain is still there but improving. I am feeling much better overall.
– GM
Improved immunity and exercising again
Any exercise or prolonged stress tended to end in me being sick. I often would not be able to “see”/recognize what was happening until I was on the other side of the situation and was just miserable and sick. Now I am still more sensitive to stress and it does affect me physically, but my body can physically handle it and I can pull through it without getting sick. And, more importantly, instead of being trapped and overwhelmed, I recognize what is happening!
– KW
Eczema improving and more energy
Before I came in to see Dr. Doug, I was very run down and tired. My skin was also broken out as I have had eczema for years. Now, I feel much better; I’m not as tired and my skin is better.
– MB
Colitis symptoms improved; memory and mental clarity increasing
What was it like before you came in to see us?
Pain everywhere. Ulcerative colitis disease symptoms. Foggy brain. Horrible memory. Used to get about 4 hours of sleep per night and had ZERO energy.
How is it now?
Zero pain! Ulcerative colitis medicines down to 50%. Clear thinking most of the time. Memory improving and getting about 6 hours of sleep a night. Energy level is increasing.
– ST
Headache free and back to living life!
What was it like before you came in to see us?
Bad headaches, feeling lousy and didn’t feel like I was getting enough sleep. This kept me out of hockey because this was the result of a concussion. Exercise bothered me.
How is it now?
I’m off of gluten and my headaches are completely gone. I’m feeling much more energetic. Returned to hockey and exercise does not bother me anymore.
– BH
Pain free and quality sleep
What was it like before you came in to see us?
My health was in a critical stage. Years of unaddressed issues, eating and nutrition. I was in a great deal of pain. My sleep was continually interrupted. Quality of life was diminished.
How is it now?
I am no long critical. I am no longer in pain! There is stability to these improvements-by staying consistent in making recommended changes- that has changed my life!
– KG
Specific nutrition to heal the body
One of my main concerns that caused me to come in was a terrible swollen feeling in my knees. I cannot take synthetic drugs and have learned I must be patient with natural healing. However! After one week of giving my body the nutrients it needed my odd knee infection was already symptom free!
– LK
Hair, skin and muscle tone
I exercise regularly and couldn’t lose the last few pounds in my hips and thighs. Suddenly my hips and thighs are shrinking and I didn’t come here for weight loss! I’m not “dieting” in any way. I’m following what my body is telling me and avoiding the foods I am sensitive to. I have more energy, I look more fit and toned all over my body and my hair and skin look great!
– SP
More mental clarity!
Before I came in to see Dr. Doug, I was feeling tired, sluggish and couldn’t think or concentrate well. After only one week, I’ve already noticed a difference in that I’m not as sluggish!
– MB
Digestive issues, food cravings resolving; more energy
What was it like before you came in to see us?
When I started coming I was struggling on various levels. I had major issues with burping and heartburn. It seemed I was at the point where I couldn’t eat anything without an uncomfortable sensation. My husband was driven crazy in the evenings by my constant burping. I felt bloated most of the time and generally uncomfortable. I experienced at least two “crashes” every day where all I wanted was FOOD. Usually salty and carb-laden. I was tired all the time and struggled to get out of bed in the morning. I had tried diet after diet and I still struggle with my weight. I run a lot and love to exercise, but something was missing and I felt generally unhealthy.
How is it now?
After my first evaluation I cut a few things from my diet. I also became more cognizant of what I was feeding myself in my diet. Within about 5 weeks the burping and heartburn was almost completely gone! My fatigue had more or less disappeared and I felt in control of my food throughout the day. I experienced far less cravings for unhealthy food and I actually want the “good” stuff now. Dr. Doug and Jennifer have helped me ease my way out of bad habits and make good choices that make me feel good inside and out. It is continuing to be a journey of self-discovery, but I learn at each step. I was a skeptic at first, but the results are remarkable! I talk about this process with everyone I know! I’ve spent at least 20 years screwing with my body, my metabolism, and my “natural” workings. I love feeling like I am repairing that damage.
– KK
Heartburn and bloating under control, normal bowel movements
Before coming in to the practice I was suffering digestion problems all the time. I would get heartburn from just about everything; sometimes even water would give me heartburn. I also suffered irregular bowel movements. I was either constipated or had very loose stools. I thought this was a pretty normal thing because for as long as I can remember I had been like that. Lastly I struggled with my weight some. I was bloated and could not get to a weight I was happy with.
I am so pleased with where I’m at today and I’m looking forward to continued improvements. It’s only been 6 weeks and my heartburn is gone. I only had 2 bouts of indigestion in the first week of treatment. Now it’s gone and hasn’t returned! My stools are much more normal and consistent and I’ve had very little bloating. I’ve also lost 10 pounds! I feel so much better and plan to stay the course. Thank you Dr. Doug and the staff at Lakeland Chiropractic!
– SG
So many health issues improved!
Before I started Nutrition Response Testing? I had a lot of health issues. I had been on acid reflux meds for years. My cholesterol was high; I had muscular aches and soreness, swelling, anxiety, forgetfulness, fatigue and constipation. I also had allergies and asthma. I feel so much better! I no longer take acid reflux or allergy meds. My cholesterol meds are reduced by 30 mg. I do not have muscular aches, soreness and swelling. My anxiety level is greatly reduced. I sleep much better, my digestion no longer constipated. I have lost 32 lbs and am down 4 sizes.
– DM
Back in balance
I could eat hardly anything without belching or bloating. I also couldn’t drink coffee. That was awful!! My periods were all over the place, very irregular, sometimes 7-10 days (or more!) and sometimes twice a month. Now I can eat almost anything and I can drink coffee again! I am so happy! My periods are back to normal, consistent and back to 3-4 days.
– LB
Stomach pain, bloating, constipation, tired and depressed.
What was it like before you came in to see us?
I was dealing with constant stomach pain, bloating and constipation as well as being constantly hungry. I was also feeling tired and depressed.
How is it now?
Now I’m bloated much less and have regular eliminations. Since eating better foods I’m noticing that I’m not constantly hungry anymore. I’m often feeling less tired and less depressed.
– DT
Reduced cholesterol, better blood pressure, lost weight and more energy
I was overweight and had several medical problems such as high blood pressure and high cholesterol. Also I had problems sleeping and frequent trips to the bathroom during the night. I now sleep better, only getting up once per night. My cholesterol is better and I’ve reduced my medication from 40 mg to 20 mg. Blood pressure is under control and I’ve lost 15 lbs and have more energy.
– GL
Severe fatigue; more energy and enthusiasm
Before I began my nutrition program, I was very fatigued, tired all the time and I slept 10-12 hours a night. Overall I didn’t ever feel like doing much of anything. Now I have more energy and am not falling asleep so early at night and I am able to get up earlier in the morning. I’m feeling better, more positive and upbeat.
– SP
Improved diet, more energy, weight loss
I started Nutrition Response Testing? because of encouragement from my husband as he was having great success. I was tired, achy, overweight and dealing with a Diet Coke addiction. In just a short time (1.5 months), I’ve lost over 10 pounds, only have an occasional Diet Coke (maybe 1 a week) and I feel better rested and more energetic. I’m looking forward to continued improvement and feel much more confident that I will finally reach my goals.
– PK
Heartburn Eliminated
Heartburn was an almost everyday occurrence, especially if I went too long between meals. If I became nervous or anxious, I would also get heartburn. Since I have been on my Nutrition Response Testing? program under Dr. Doug, I no longer have heartburn at all-even if my meals are far apart or I’m nervous or anxious; no more heartburn!
– LB
What was it like before you came in to see us?
I’m a 52 yr white male, and have been blessed as I have traveled to 40 some countries. Over the last 30 yrs I was first diagnosed with Crohns disease, and 15 yrs ago with diverticulitis and irritable bowel syndrome. Recently over 8 months I gradually lost 48 lbs., had abdominal pain, flu like symptoms, insomnia and a total lack of energy. I went to urgent care and was put on Z-pack antibiotic. After a month of these same symptoms I went back as I thought I was dying and had pneumonia as I was up every night coughing up clear phlegm. They did a chest x-ray which came back clear and they thought this was a flare up of my irritable syndrome or diverticulitis.
How is it now?
I knew something was not right with my body, and did a nutritional study with Dr. Doug Schultz. I came in on a Monday and by Wednesday I was given results. I was told my body was stressed by a parasitic challenge and my body was a host. At first I was scared, later in the day I was very relieved as many days I’ve stayed in hospital with no fix. I started taking the natural supplements and within 7 days I started passing these parasites. Yes it was very gross and yeah I took pictures, but I was very happy to know these things that have been feeding on me were finally being killed and passing through my stool. It’s been only 2 months now and I have no insomnia, my energy level has increased by at least 50% and I have put back on 15 lbs. I can’t say enough of what Dr. Doug and Jenn his assistant have done. The third week they discovered a smaller parasitic challenge and I am taking a supplement to help with that. Remember you don’t have to travel outside of the USA like I have to become a host. Google human parasites. I can’t express in words what Dr. Doug has done for me. Within 3 weeks, family, friends and co workers noticed a change of flesh tone, weight gain, and clearer eyes and not as irritable!!!!!
– DG
Tiredness, Bloated and Hives Skin
Before I came in I was tired, bloated and my skin was full of hives. My bowel movements were also sporadic. Now, after only a few weeks on the program, my skin is noticeably different and also I am not as bloated as I was.
– KP[/box]
Lack of Energy
What was it like before?
I was overweight, tired, had no “get up and go”, and just pretty much felt like a couch potato and I that I was just wasting my life.
How is it now?
I’ve lost close to 40 lbs. and I seem to have more energy. I am starting to work on getting my muscles toned up to try and look my best which leads to feeling better overall.
– MM
Improved Overall Health
How was it before?
I felt tired, sluggish, bloated at times along with fatigue. I also was experiencing a variety of joint pain (knees, elbows, wrists), primarily due to on the job situations as I’m a painter.
How is it now?
I have lost more than 13 pounds. I am experiencing more energy, less to no joint pain and just an overall feeling better. My wife has also joined me in this new overall lifestyle change and it has made it easier and more enjoyable for both of us. We have become accountability partners and find we are of the same mindset. So far so good! We look forward to improved overall health. Be healthy!
– DK
My Ganglion Cyst Is Gone Without Surgery
What was it like before you came in to see us?
I had a ganglion cyst on the top of my wrist and I was scheduled for surgery.
How is it now?
It is gone! Between proper supplements, nutrition and chiropractic care, I can freely move my wrist and the cyst is gone.
– CK
Sleep Problem Gone!
Before I came into the Nutrition clinic, I was moody, depressed, anxious, couldn’t keep weight on along with a lack of appetite. I also had trouble sleeping. Now when things get me down, my head seems clearer and I am able to concentrate on the problem to solve it more calmly. I’m no longer waking up in the middle of the night wide awake, my appetite is back and I’m craving less junk food and more whole foods.
– CD
Losing Hair, Leg Cramps, Heart Burn and Sugar Cravings
My hair is thin and fine, I was losing quite a bit more than usual; I had leg cramps every other week and they would ache a lot. My heartburn was so bad that I had chest pain and pain under my breasts almost constantly. My sugar cravings were an everyday event. After just one month working with Dr. Doug with this program, my heartburn and the pain in my chest were minimal. There is no pain under my breasts at all anymore. My leg cramps are gone. At 3 months on the program, my nails are stronger, my hair loss has actually stopped and my hair looks healthier! My sugar cravings have decreased. I feel fuller quicker now where I would have eaten more before. My energy level has increased dramatically since starting this program. I’m still working on my weight but I feel so much better. My body doesn’t have the aches and pains I had when I first started.
– MS
Healthy Through Diet and Exercise
I thought I was just feeling life after menopause, wondering what I could find to feel better and to sleep better. Now, I realize that what I eat and drink really affects how I feel. I am renewing an interest in my own health through diet and exercise. Thanks to the nutrition knowledge passed on through Dr. Doug and the clinic!
– BH
Couldn’t Breath and No Energy
What was it like before you came in to see us?
I felt terrible; I could not breathe, had no energy and felt down.
How is it now?
I can now breathe from my diaphragm and I have much more energy! I feel alive again.
– NA
Relief from Various Illnesses
Before I came in the Nutrition Clinic, I had frequent loose stools, indigestion and bloating, strong sugar cravings and almost constant canker sores. Now, only a few months later, my stools have more form to them, and my bloating is gone. My sugar cravings are also gone and I have no more canker sores!
– JB
Diarrhea For Almost 3 Months
I experienced diarrhea for almost three months with multiple watery stools every day. I always had to know where a bathroom was. Parasites was the priority in my initial treatment. Now, I have 2-4 stools per day that are formed in consistency and do not interfere with my life.
– BC
Drastic Change
Before I came in to see Dr. Doug, I felt absolutely awful. I couldn’t see straight, think properly and I was always fatigued. I felt like I had just given up on the world. Now, I feel fantastic! I can think, see better and I have an incredible amount of energy. This made a drastic change in the best of ways.
– TC
Nutrition Response Testing® Reduced My Weight And Cholesterol
Before I started Nutrition Response Testing?, I weighed 250 lbs, I was on 2 blood pressure medications, cholesterol medication (40 mg.) and I could not sleep through the night. I would wake up every hour 6-8 times a night. After 3 months of Nutrition Response Testing?, I have lost 25 lbs., I am on only 1 medication for blood pressure and have reduced my cholesterol med down to 20 mg. with plans to be off all medications soon. I am only getting up 1-2 times a night and I am sleeping much sounder. I feel great and have a lot more energy.
– GL
I Feel Great!
I was getting heart burn all the time, every night. I also had very bad itching of my skin, and couldn’t get rid of it. It was really bothering me and I was very uncomfortable. I also wasn’t sleeping well, didn’t have much energy and needed to lose weight. Now, I feel GREAT. Unbelievable how much of a difference there is. I have no more heartburn or itching, and I have lost 12 pounds. This is the best I have felt in many years. Thank you Dr. Doug and Jenn. I recommend this program to anyone who is feeling not real well or wants to make some change in life.
– GC
Weight Loss and More Energy
Before I came in to see you I was overweight, had a lack of energy, lots of aches and pains and had a poor diet. Now, after about 4-5 months, I have lost 20 lbs and 4 inches off my waist. I exercise some every day and my fasting glucose is now in the 80s (I am diabetic). I had to buy new clothes! I am eating healthier now without even thinking about it. A good diet and exercise are now a habit, not a chore.
– TP
Legs Fall Asleep
In high school and college, when I would run long distance, my feet and my legs from the knees down would fall asleep as I ran. Now, since being on the right nutrition, I can run a 5K and I only have a small amount of tingling in my left foot. It is almost completely gone and the circulation in my legs is much better.
– MR
High Stress and Low Energy
Before I came in to the Nutrition Clinic, I was feeling depressed and had no motivation. I am moving out of the country and wanted to do something about my health. There’s been a lot of stress involved with the move; packing, finances, etc. and usually that would really affect me. Now, I wake up feeling OK and I have more energy and feel more lively than I have in a long time!
– MM
Couldn’t Sleep
Before I started this program, I had an extremely achy body and therefore had trouble sleeping. It surprisingly didn’t take very long at all to correct my sleep quality once I made alterations to my diet. Now I can lie down without feeling any sharp shooting pain between my shoulder blades! It’s truly amazing how much diet can affect your health and it’s so great that I have this program to help guide and rebuild my body to better health. Sleep at night is so essential to function for the day so I can’t thank them enough for helping me get that back!
– TM
Headaches and Terrible Pain
I suffered from headaches and terrible low back pain which was starting to affect my legs. I was getting steroid injections every 4 months in my lower back. I suffered from stomach issues and heartburn, was overweight and just felt yucky! When I began my program, I tested sensitive to dairy and sugar. By eliminating them from my diet, my headaches and stomach issues have stopped. I have lost 44 pounds and I no longer need steroid injections in my back. I feel amazing!
– SG
Energy Increase
I was tired and just felt bad overall. I had a number of canker sores in my mouth all the time since last March (2011). Now, I have been on the program for a short period of time and my energy level is already up, I feel better than I have in a long time and I have gone three weeks now with no sores in my mouth. Fantastic!!
– NC
Heart Burn?
I was getting heart burn all the time, I didn’t have much energy and I had trouble keeping weight off. Now, I feel GREAT. Unbelievable how much of a difference there is. I feel great and I’m losing weight.
– GC
Chemical Imbalance
My 6 yr. old daughter’s hands were covered with warts; all over her fingers, palms, etc. We’d tried both natural remedies and freezing, which was very painful. Now, they are completely gone! Within 3 weeks they were almost gone, and at 6 weeks her hands were normal-back to sweet little girl hands. She is SO happy!
– SN
Felt a Spark
It just seemed like everything took so much effort. I found myself wondering how it happened, because I wasn’t always like this. Was everything downhill from here? That thought alone was depressing. Exercising didn’t seem to do a thing, except make me sweat. I found I was giving up. In just a short time, I have seen and felt that inner spark that seemed to have been long gone. My energy is coming back, and with that new energy, things are getting done. Organization feels great to achieve. This is amazing and I’m loving it. All the things I’ve tried before have been a waste of time and money. With Nutrition Response Testing? I see and feel results. By this I know this is the right thing to do for myself!
– AP
Before I started my Nutrition Response Testing?, my monthly cycle was painful. For at least one to two weeks, I would have horrible, constant headaches and my neck and back were stiff and in constant pain. It would start before my period, last the duration of and sometimes even be there after it stopped. Since starting my nutrition program, when my cycle started, I had none of the pain or stiffness that I had before. This time, I had only a slight headache during, not before or after and it was NOTHING like before. I feel pretty good otherwise!
– CM
Double Whiplash
Prior to Nutrition Response Testing?, I experienced an undiagnosed pain in my spleen area and ongoing pain in my right arm and hand as a result of double-whiplash from a car accident. Shortly after beginning Nutrition Response Testing®, the abdominal pain gradually decreased. After beginning the laser treatment on my episiotomy scar, the abdominal pain has completely gone away.
– SH
Pinch Nerve
I came to Lakeland in critical condition. My sciatic nerve was pinched and I could barely walk to my car to make my first appointment. My family doctor told me I would be out of commission for 6 to 8 weeks. This was unacceptable since I had just switched jobs at the University of Michigan Medical Center and was training for my new job (I am a health care provider of 20+ years; an RN). Dr. Doug saw me the day I called and after 1 week of intense therapy I was able to return to work for 4 to 5 hours per day and after another week I was back full time. I started the Nutrition Response Testing? shortly after that.Show More
I must admit I thought it was a little unconventional, but 2 months and a minimal amount of supplements later, I have lost 10+ pounds and feel the best I have I have felt in 10 years. I have changed with the help of Dr. Doug along with a healthier diet. I feel more satisfied from what I eat and wake every morning free from back pain and with plenty of energy to get through the day. I stopped taking Statin drugs which helped to eliminate all my foot and leg pain (my cholesterol was 219). I also have Type II Diabetes. My blood sugar now is always between 75-120. I am planning on continuing with Lakeland as part of my health care plan.
My wife was so impressed with my weight loss and increased energy that she is now seeing Dr. Doug for chiropractic care. This life change has given me a more positive outlook and has enhanced the quality of my life. This program is more about health care, not acute care when you are sick.
– TP
No Motivation
Before I came in to the Nutrition Clinic, I was feeling depressed and had no motivation. I am moving out of the country and wanted to do something about my health. There’s been a lot of stress involved with the move; packing, finances, etc. and usually that would really affect me. Now, I wake up feeling OK and I have more energy and feel more lively than I have in a long time!
– MM
Always Tired
Before seeing Dr. Doug, every day was hard to get through. I was so tired all of the time and had so many aches and pains all over my body that I dreaded having to get up from the chair or couch and move around. I was putting on weight but after every meal I was so sleepy that I needed a nap!
Now I have more energy and most of the aches and pains are gone or greatly reduced. I actually feel like doing things now. Even during the winter I didn’t experience the depression and “blahs” that were usual for me. I have lost weight and I feel well; something I haven’t been able to say in years.
– JJ
Before I came in to the nutrition clinic, I was constipated and bloated. I would only move my bowels twice a week. After one week in the program, I noticed that I was moving my bowels daily and felt much better overall.
– IP
Knee Pain
I had a lot of knee pain and needed to take Tylenol quite often during the day and before bed. Since being on this program, I only need to take Tylenol for pain every once in awhile; once a week or every 2 weeks.
– JJ
Before beginning my program, I had lots of heartburn. I was also having anxiety attacks while driving. Now, I’m mostly fine; I was able to drive in an unfamiliar area (out of state) while on vacation without anxiety. My heartburn has also diminished in frequency and duration since now that I’m following my program.
– AK
Before I came in to see you, I was very forgetful to the point of concern. I also had a lot of hot flashes, and menopause symptoms. (My Dr. told me that I was in menopause.) Now, with my nutrition program, there is a noticeable difference with my memory; I am more focused. I have no more hot flashes and have had a period again (hadn’t had one in over a year). My hair is also really soft!
– KL
Less Night Sweats
Before I started the program, I felt emotionally and physically drained. I ate dinner and no breakfast or lunch; maybe a quick banana or I reached for junk food. Vegetables were something I would not even think of. I had terrible night sweats and was not sleeping through the night. Now, I am having very few night sweats, and physically and emotionally I am handling things much better. I am now eating more food and they are all good foods! I reach for almonds or fruit instead of junk now. I just don’t buy it but if I have a weak moment and eat the junk I now see how it affects me. I love stir fry with all the fresh veggies. I feel like doing more and more.
– CL
Excess Weight, Gone!
My hair was falling out, I had headaches 2-3 times a week and I was carrying extra weight around my waist. Now that I’m following a nutrition program, I have lost the weight, I have very few headaches and my hair is staying in my head!
– JR
In a Fog
I felt like my brain was fuzzy, foggy and cloudy. My everyday thinking was not clear. My thoughts are much clearer now. I also felt bloated and had a lot of inflammation in my stomach area as well as my hands and sometimes feet. I was also fatigued a lot. After my 6th visit, the bloating and inflammation were not noticeable at all. My memory is sharper and clearer as well.
– KK
The Afternoon Crash!
I was having frequent and severe headaches, major fatigue with the “afternoon crash”, bowel problems and sleep problems. Working with Dr. Doug in the Nutrition Response program, now my headaches are gone, I wake up energized, my bowel movements have greatly improved and are more regular and I sleep more soundly than ever.
– HO
Voice was Nasally
Before I came in to the Nutrition Clinic, I was always stuffy. I had a lot of drainage and always sounded very nasally. After one week of treatment I can breathe great and I notice a huge change. There has been a lot less stuffiness. Thank you!!
– MR
New Inner Spark
It just seemed like everything took so much effort. I found myself wondering how it happened, because I wasn’t always like this. Was everything downhill from here? That thought alone was depressing. Exercising didn’t seem to do a thing, except make me sweat. I found I was giving up. In just a short time, I have seen and felt that inner spark that seemed to have been long gone. My energy is coming back, and with that new energy, things are getting done. Organization feels great to achieve. This is amazing and I’m loving it. All the things I’ve tried before have been a waste of time and money. With Nutrition Response Testing® I see and feel results. By this I know this is the right thing to do for myself!
– AP
My Cycle Was Very Painful
Before I started my Nutrition Response Testing?, my monthly cycle was painful. For at least one to two weeks, I would have horrible, constant headaches and my neck and back were stiff and in constant pain. It would start before my period, last the duration of and sometimes even be there after it stopped. Since starting my nutrition program, when my cycle started, I had none of the pain or stiffness that I had before. This time, I had only a slight headache during, not before or after and it was NOTHING like before. I feel pretty good otherwise!
– CM
Processed Fast Food
Before I came in to see you, I was tired and hungry and ate sugary food between meals. I would eat processed and fast foods. Once I began a nutrition program, after the second week, I noticed that I have a lot less hunger between meals. I have less desire to grab sugar snacks. I just don’t have the desire to go there.
– BD
Pain in Spleen
Prior to Nutrition Response Testing?, I experienced an undiagnosed pain in my spleen area and ongoing pain in my right arm and hand as a result of double-whiplash from a car accident. Shortly after beginning Nutrition Response Testing?, the abdominal pain gradually decreased. After beginning the laser treatment on my episiotomy scar, the abdominal pain has completely gone away.
– SH
Hair Loss
My hair was falling out. Since beginning my supplements, my hair is thicker again and my eyelashes are too! I have lost 6 lbs. (a lot for my small frame) just by food charting and making connections.
– JS[/box]
Since I started my Nutrition Response Testing? program, the biggest change I have noticed is that I am calmer overall. I am not irritable and I can handle stressful situations more calmly. It has been a welcome improvement in my overall health!
– SH
Prone to Colds
Throughout the winter holidays, I am usually sick, prone to colds, sore throats and sinus infections; pretty much whatever is around. Since starting my program, and paying attention to the foods that give me trouble, I have been able to fight off infections so much better. People around me have been sick, but my immune system is working so much better than it used to. I am so happy to be healthier now!
– JL
Better Digestion
Since beginning my Nutrition Response Testing? program, my digestion has been much better. My weight loss has been fantastic and this has made me so much more aware of what I am eating. I am eating a much healthier diet overall and I feel much better!
– MK
Inflammation Reduced
I have psoriasis on my leg and it is much better than before I began my supplements. The inflammation has gone down. I noticed that when I traveled recently, I was better able to handle the stress of international travel and my sleep has really improved as well.
– JG
Bloating Gone
When I did my Nutrition Response Testing?, my results showed that I was sensitive to pasteurized milk and wheat. When I cut those out of my diet, I noticed that I no longer had any heartburn or acid reflux. I’m also not as bloated and my clothes fit much better than before. Another huge benefit is that I am sleeping better too. I’m very glad that I began this program and have made the connection between foods and my health.
– PS
The Fog Has Lifted!
I have been on a nutritional program for 3 weeks and it’s like a “fog has been lifted”! I have mental clarity for the first time in a long time!
– CK
Lost Weight
Since beginning my nutrition program, the swelling in my ankle has gone way down and I’ve lost weight in my stomach area since really cutting dairy from my diet.
– NP
Feeling Better
After reading over the literature about the program I was convinced that it had scientific reasons to work so I signed up for it. I was very much lacking in motivation and used to feeling despondent when I began the testing. But even now, after less than 2 months, I am already feeling better, getting industrious ideas and anxious to continue on.
It is a very thorough program which helps you pin-point the foods you are eating that are harming your body. The doctors test food supplements that will benefit you. I like knowing that what I am taking is actually benefiting my body. I feel that I was just guessing all the time with vitamins and wasting so much money on them. Now, I only take what my body is showing I need. I like that these doctors aim to get you on as few supplements as possible as quickly as possible.
Decreased Asthma
I used to use my asthma inhaler twice a day and my rescue inhaler once a month. Since beginning my nutrition program, I haven’t had to use my asthma inhaler for two weeks and I’ve only had to use my rescue inhaler once.
– PS
No More Stomach Pain
In July of 2010, I was put on Prevacid because of severe stomach pain; most likely an ulcer, my doctor told me. I used far too many over the counter meds like Advil and Tylenol for almost daily headaches and aches/pains. My diet was a wreck and I couldn’t eat most food or spices without serious pain that would put me in bed. My digestion was completely off with several bouts of diarrhea a week. My weight is also a compounding issue.
Even after being on Prevacid for 2 weeks longer than normally recommended, I still had pain 80% of the time. I continued with my Nutrition Response Testing? program and supplements from Dr. Jenn and within a month, my pain has disappeared and my stomach and intestines are healing! I also haven’t had a daily headache nor taken an Advil in over 2 months. I cut out sugar and several foods that I was testing sensitive to and this has helped alleviate my pain. I’ve also lost 24 pounds in these 2 months. Life is good again!
– JB
Increased Patience!
I was a sugarholic!! I was going from one sugary drink or treat to another. I was on an energy roller coaster, riding the ups and downs. My attitude and patience with my kids was short and what my kids would call “Mean Daddy”. Now, with Nutrition Response Testing? and my program, I have no trouble avoiding sugar. Well, almost no trouble, but I have the strength to avoid sugar throughout the day. Along with this, nor more ups and downs of energy and emotion. A definite change in how I handle those little disagreements with my kids. I seem to have much clearer thoughts! As a side effect of the avoidance of sugar, I lost about 5 lbs. from my stomach! Sweet!
– MF
*Testimonial regarding Dr. Doug’s Grandfather:
Grandpa has always been a jovial, fun-loving man who looks for the best qualities in you. He loves to strike up a conversation with anyone, and is truly interested in what you have to say. He’s had a few bumps in the road regarding his health over the years, but overall he’s done well. However, in November 2006, his routine blood test came back showing a high number of white blood cells (WBC). His doctor later diagnosed him with Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia. After his diagnosis, Grandpa found out a good friend of his was also diagnosed with CLL.
His good friend has unfortunately passed away since. Grandpa began taking Standard Process supplements (a specific protocol for patients with CLL) after his diagnosis. Just over 1 ½ years later, after many blood tests confirming his original diagnosis, Grandpa’s routine test came back stating his WBCs were within normal limits! Many tests since then have confirmed this now normal finding. The results of specific, whole food nutrition are nothing less than AMAZING!
*Please see attached lab work
Needed a Nap
Every day was hard to get through. I was so tired all of the time and had so many aches and pains all over my body that I dreaded having to get up from the chair or couch and move around. I was putting on weight but after every meal I was so sleepy that I needed a nap!
Now I have more energy and most of the aches and pains are gone or greatly reduced. I actually feel like doing things now. Even during the winter I didn’t experience the depression and “blahs” that were usual for me. I have lost weight and I feel well; something I haven’t been able to say in years.
– JJ
No More constipation
Before I came in to the nutrition clinic, I was constipated and bloated. I would only move my bowels twice a week. After one week in the program, I noticed that I was moving my bowels daily and felt much better overall.
– IP
Joint Pain
I had a lot of knee pain and needed to take Tylenol quite often during the day and before bed. Since being on this program, I only need to take Tylenol for pain every once in awhile; once a week or every 2 weeks.
– JJ
Heartburn Gone
Before beginning my program, I had lots of heartburn. I was also having anxiety attacks while driving. Now, I’m mostly fine; I was able to drive in an unfamiliar area (out of state) while on vacation without anxiety. My heartburn has also diminished in frequency and duration since now that I’m following my program.
– AK
Memory is Back!
Before I came in to see you, I was very forgetful to the point of concern. I also had a lot of hot flashes, and menopause symptoms. (My Dr. told me that I was in menopause.) Now, with my nutrition program, there is a noticeable difference with my memory; I am more focused. I have no more hot flashes and have had a period again (hadn’t had one in over a year). My hair is also really soft!
– KL
Just Drained!
Before I started the program, I felt emotionally and physically drained. I ate dinner and no breakfast or lunch; maybe a quick banana or I reached for junk food. Vegetables were something I would not even think of. I had terrible night sweats and was not sleeping through the night.
Now, I am having very few night sweats, and physically and emotionally I am handling things much better. I am now eating more food and they are all good foods! I reach for almonds or fruit instead of junk now. I just don’t buy it but if I have a weak moment and eat the junk I now see how it affects me. I love stir fry with all the fresh veggies. I feel like doing more and more.
– CL
Hair Loss
My hair was falling out, I had headaches 2-3 times a week and I was carrying extra weight around my waist. Now that I’m following a nutrition program, I have lost the weight, I have very few headaches and my hair is staying in my head!
– JR
Brain Fog!
I felt like my brain was fuzzy, foggy and cloudy. My everyday thinking was not clear. My thoughts are much clearer now. I also felt bloated and had a lot of inflammation in my stomach area as well as my hands and sometimes feet. I was also fatigued a lot. After my 6th visit, the bloating and inflammation were not noticeable at all. My memory is sharper and clearer as well.
– KK
Call today to schedule your appointment